The Provost’s Research Award was established in the late 1980s to recognize meritorious research. Two awards within both a basic science and a clinical science/translational research category may be given each year to full-time, regular faculty members: one in each category for senior faculty (associate and full professors). The awards are given for a significant individual achievement of original research.
The Provost's Research Award recognizes meritorious research. Two awards within both a basic science and a clinical science/translational category (based upon National Institutes of Health designations) may be given each year to full-time, regular faculty members: one in each category for junior faculty (assistant professors); and one in each category for senior faculty (associate and full professors). The awards are given for significant individual achievement of original research. The awards are $2,000 each.
Nominations will be solicited during the fall semester and can be made by any full professor. They should be made by a letter to the Vice President for Research describing the research achievement, enclosing the relevant research publication(s), three to five reference letters of support, as appropriate; and a curriculum vitae. Nominations will be evaluated by the Health Sciences Center Research Council, and the two judged best for each award will be forwarded to the Senior Vice President and Provost, along with an evaluation which gives the reasons for the recommendations. Nominations are due in January of each year.
The selections are made by an ad hoc committee consisting of the chair of the Health Sciences Center Research Council, the Vice President for Research, and the Senior Vice President and Provost.
The recipients of the Provost's Research Award will be announced by the Senior Vice President and Provost at the Spring General Faculty Meeting.
(Senior Vice President and Provost, 8-27-98, 9-14-17)
Please contact Heidi Petitt, Senior Administrative Manager at 271-1083 for additional information.
This is the most important part of the application. It should be written with that idea in mind. It should outline why the candidate is qualified for the award and should be a synopsis of the entire application. A three- or four-page letter is not too long as the person (or committee) nominating the candidate must point out how their candidate meets the individual requirements listed for conferring the award. Look at the criteria for selection of recipients and try to address each of these points in your letter. Include discussion of innovation in teaching, research, or service.
The chairs should be chosen because of the prestige of their departments and their knowledge of the individual's expertise in your candidate's area of study. The chairs provide a vital link in the evaluation process. The ACE rating of graduate programs may be helpful to you in selecting the chairs to contact for reference letters.
For questions pertaining to the nomination procedures, please call the Office of the Vice President for Research at 271-1083.
Also, if your department nominated someone last year and is considering re-nomination this year, please discuss this with the Vice President for Research to determine if a re-nomination is appropriate.
* The nomination packet should contain only the items listed above *